Fishing Report October 12, 2014

If you can’t get any nookie try catching some snooky

The aftermath of our first cold front has had a positive impact for fishers targeting snook.

Although the bite the first day after the front was challenging at best, all of the days after have been exceptional. Our local snook have gotten a taste of water temperatures and are now ravenously feeding on every bait that passes in front of their noses in preparation for winter, I guess you could say they’re packing on the pounds before food gets scarce. Catching 40-50 snook in a session is not unheard of right now. Strong incoming tides in the morning are proving prosperous when searching for the bite. If you’re on the fish and they’re not biting, be patient. When that tide gets cranking, so will the snook. Most abundant are under-size fish, 20-26 inch range, although I’m seeing at least a couple slot-size fish come aboard daily.